With used car prices climbing there are now very good financial rewards to be made. For some groups, after more than a year of disruption and hardship, simply obtaining this reward on the principle that a rising tide floats all boats will be enough.
The top 25% of groups, those who insist on consistently outperforming the market, will set themselves a different challenge. They will adapt rapidly to maximise returns during this upturn in the market, just as they react quickly to minimise loss during a negative event.
PriceSmart, which layers over data provided by Autotrader Accelerator, is giving groups that use it a huge advantage, generating an additional £300 per car in margin on average and increasing margin without increasing days to sell.
We are transforming the role of sales manager when it comes to pricing – moving pricing from a repetitive and detail intense “overwatch” exercise, to one where strategy and decision making become the driving force, where an intelligent analytics programme will highlight only the work that does need doing and provide continual feedback on performance to allow policies to be continually monitored and improved.
Find out more about used car dealership profitability.
RWA PriceSmart allows groups to build and apply dynamic pricing policies. With RWA PriceSmart installed groups can execute flawlessly – managing by exemptions rather than constantly reviewing all data:
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